「Sounding out the City」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Sounding out the City」(2007/04/05 (木) 19:28:28) の最新版変更点



*Michael Bull 2000 *&italic(){Sounding out the City: Personal Stereos and the Management of Everyday Life.} *Oxford: Berg. #amazon(1859733425,right) &bold(){Webcat Plus} &blanklink(図書情報){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/DocDetail?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA47979213} | &blanklink(所蔵図書館一覧){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/HolderList?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA47979213} **目次 -1. Personal Stereos and the Management of Everyday Life: An Introduction -2. The World of Personal-Stereo Users: An Introduction -Part I: Personal-Stereo Use and the Management of Space, Place and Time --3. Reconfiguring the 'Site' and 'Horizon' of Experience --4. Personal Stereos and the Management of Cognitive Contingency --5. The Re-appropriation of Time in Everyday Life -Part II: An Ethnography of Auditory Looking, Aesthetics and Interpersonal Urban Relations --6. Empowering the 'Gaze': Personal Stereos and the Hidden Look --7. Filmic Cities and Aesthetic Experience --8. The Asymmetrical Urban: The Role of Personal Stereos in Managing Interpersonal Behaviour -Part III: Personal Stereos and a Critical Theory of Urban Everyday Life --9. Sounding Out the City: An Auditory Epistemology of Urban Experience --10. Visual Theories of City Life and Personal-Stereo Use --11. Technology and the Management of Everyday Life --12. Aestheticizing Everyday Life: A Critique -13. Conclusion
#amazon(1859733425,right) *Michael Bull 2000 *&italic(){Sounding out the City: Personal Stereos and the Management of Everyday Life.} *Oxford: Berg. &bold(){Webcat Plus} &blanklink(図書情報){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/DocDetail?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA47979213} | &blanklink(所蔵図書館一覧){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/HolderList?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA47979213} **目次 -1. Personal Stereos and the Management of Everyday Life: An Introduction -2. The World of Personal-Stereo Users: An Introduction -Part I: Personal-Stereo Use and the Management of Space, Place and Time --3. Reconfiguring the 'Site' and 'Horizon' of Experience --4. Personal Stereos and the Management of Cognitive Contingency --5. The Re-appropriation of Time in Everyday Life -Part II: An Ethnography of Auditory Looking, Aesthetics and Interpersonal Urban Relations --6. Empowering the 'Gaze': Personal Stereos and the Hidden Look --7. Filmic Cities and Aesthetic Experience --8. The Asymmetrical Urban: The Role of Personal Stereos in Managing Interpersonal Behaviour -Part III: Personal Stereos and a Critical Theory of Urban Everyday Life --9. Sounding Out the City: An Auditory Epistemology of Urban Experience --10. Visual Theories of City Life and Personal-Stereo Use --11. Technology and the Management of Everyday Life --12. Aestheticizing Everyday Life: A Critique -13. Conclusion

