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問題のUNSCEAR 報告書、

No Immediate Health Risks

おやおや、311 直後の日本、その時の「ウソップ物語(専門家妄言)」が、
2 年3 ヶ月経って世界中に拡散しきっちゃったかな?





Press Releases

For information only - not an official document
31 May 2013

No Immediate Health Risks from Fukushima Nuclear Accident

   Says UN Expert Science Panel ~ Long Term Monitoring Key

VIENNA, 31 May (UN Information Service) - "Radiation exposure
following the nuclear accident at Fukushima-Daiichi did not cause
any immediate health effects. It is unlikely to be able to
attribute any health effects in the future among the general public
and the vast majority of workers," concluded the 60 th session of
the Vienna-based United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effect
of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR).

ウィーン、5 月31 日(国連情報サービス)発-
「福島第一原発事故に続く放射線被曝は、直ちには何の健康影響も引き起こしませんでした。一般公衆および労働者の大部分に、今後どんな健康影響をもたらす可能性もありそうにもありません」とウィーンの原子放射線影響に関する国連科学委員会(UNSCEAR)の60 回セッションは、結論を下しました。

The effects of radiation exposure on humans and the environment
following the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant
in March 2011 is one of the major issues being discussed at the
Committee's annual session which started on Monday, 27 May. The
second important issue is related to the short and long term effects
of exposure to radiation on children. This covers medical as well
as other kinds of exposure (not specifically related to the accident
at Fukushima-Daiichi).

2011 年3月に起きた福島第一原発事故にひきつづく、人々や環境がうけた放射線被曝影響は、5 月27 日月曜日から開かれた委員会年次会議における主要議題でした。第2 の重要議題は、子どもの短期および長期の放射線被曝の影響に関するものでした。第2 議題は、医療およびその他の被曝をカバーするもので、特に福島第一の事故に関連するものではありません。

The report that is finally adopted by the Committee will be
presented to the United Nations General Assembly when it meets later
this year, and the scientific data and evaluation underpinning
that report will be published separately.



1.Radiological impact of the Fukushima-Daiichi accident:

1. 福島第一事故の放射線被害

More than 80 leading international scientists have worked on
analysing the information available on the levels and effects of
exposure following the events of 11 March 2011 in Japan. Material
they prepared was scrutinized by the 27 countries on the Scientific
Committee at their annual session. When the Committee's report is
published, it will be the most comprehensive international
scientific analysis of the information available to date.

80 人を超える主要な国際的科学者たちが、日本での2011 年3 月11 日の出来事に続く被曝のレベルと影響について、可能な限りの情報を分析しました。そして、彼等が準備した資料が、科学委員会年次会議で27 か国によって吟味されました。委員会の報告書が公表される時、それは、現在まで利用可能な情報にかんする、最も包括的で国際的な科学分析となるでしょう。

"The experience from the 1986 Chernobyl accident has shown us that
apart from any direct impact on physical health, the social and
societal effects, and their associated health consequences in the
affected population will need special attention in the coming
years," said Carl-Magnus Larsson, Chair, UNSCEAR. "Families are
suffering, and people have been uprooted and are concerned about
their livelihoods and futures, the health of their children…it is
these issues that will be the long-lasting fallout of the accident.
At the same time, it is important to maintain a long-term medical
follow-up for the exposed population, and in relation to certain
diseases to provide a clear picture of their health status

「1986 年のチェルノブイリ事故からの経験は、身体的健康被害とは別に、影響をうけた人口集団にもたらした、社会の影響、もしくは社会的な影響と、それらに関連して(2 次的に起きた)健康影響にこそ、特別の注意を払うべきだと、我々に示しています。」
とカール=マグヌス・ラーソン(UNSCEAR 議長)がは言いました。かれは続けて
「家族たちは苦しんでおり、住居を去った人々は、現在の生計と将来について悩んでいます。自分たちの子ども達の健康はどうなんだろうか… これこそまさしく、事故によって生じた放射性降下物による長く続く問題です。と同時に、被曝した人々に対する長期の医療によるフォローアップを維持すること、および、問題になる疾病に関して、健康増進の青写真を人々に与えることが重要です。」

The draft report was deliberated at length by the Committee,
including more recent data received from Japan. Methodologies,
assessments and doses were scrutinized in detail, and the Committee
has made some recommendations that will be incorporated into the
draft, which is now in the process of being finalized for
presentation to the General Assembly. "The Report has the full
confidence of the Committee," said Larsson.


On the whole, the exposure of the Japanese population was low, or
very low, leading to correspondingly low risks of health effects
later in life. The actions taken to protect the public (evacuation
and sheltering) significantly reduced the radiation exposures that
would have otherwise been received, concluded the Committee "These
measures reduced the potential exposure by up to a factor of 10. If
that had not been the case, we might have seen the cancer rates
rising and other health problems emerging over the next several
decades," said Wolfgang Weiss, Chair, UNSCEAR report on radiological
Impact of the Fukushima-Daiichi accident.

と、UNSCEAR 報告書の「福島第一事故の放射線被害」のテーマ主任であるヴォルフガンク・ワイスWolfgang Weissは言いました。

The doses delivered for the two most significant radionuclides were
quite different: doses to the thyroid mainly from iodine-131 ranged
up to several tens of milligray and were received within a few weeks
after the accident; the whole-body (or effective) doses mainly from
caesium-134 and caesium-137 ranged up to ten or so millisieverts
(mSv) and will be received over the lifetime of those exposed. The
additional exposures received by most Japanese people in the first
year and subsequent years due to the radioactive releases from the
accident are less than the doses received from natural background
radiation (which is about 2.1 mSv per year). This is particularly
the case for Japanese people living away from Fukushima, where
annual doses of around 0.2 mSv from the accident are estimated,
arising primarily through ingestion of radionuclides in food.

主たる2 つの放射性核種による被曝線量は様相が全く異なっていました:主にヨウ素131 による甲状腺被曝線量は最大数10mGy で、事故後わずか数週間の被曝によるものでした。いっぽう主としてセシウム134 とセシウム137 による、全身(あるいは実効)線量は最大10 ミリシーベルト程度ですが、これは一生にわたって被曝するであろう量です。放射性物質放出に伴う、最初の1 年もしくは引き続く数年間にわたって日本人に加算される被曝線量は、自然環境放射線による被曝量(年約2.1mSv)よりも低いのです。特に、福島から離れたところに暮らしている日本人の場合は、事故由来の年間被曝量が約0.2mSv であって、それは主として食物からの摂取によるものです。

No radiation-related deaths or acute effects have been observed
among nearly 25,000 workers (including TEPCO employees and
contractors) involved at the accident site.

放射線関連の死あるいは急性影響は、事故現場に深く関わり合ったほぼ25,000 人の労働者(TEPCO 従業員および契約者を含む)の間で観察されていません。

Given the small number of highly exposed workers, it is unlikely
that excess cases of thyroid cancer due to radiation exposure would
be detectable. Special health examinations will be given to workers
with exposures above 100 mSv including annual monitoring of the
thyroid, stomach, large intestine and lung for cancer as a means to
monitor for potential late radiation-related health effects at the
individual level.

少数の高線量被曝をした労働者においても、放射線被曝による甲状腺癌の過剰発生が検知されるということは、ありそうにありません。100mSv 超も被曝した労働者には、個人レベルで起こりうる、放射線に関連した晩発性の健康影響を監視する手段として、甲状腺、胃、大腸、肺の毎年のがん検診を含む特別の健康診断がなされるでしょう。

The assessment also concluded that although the rate of exposures
may have exceeded the levels for the onset of effects on plants and
animals several times in the first few months following the
accident, any effects are expected to be transient in nature, given
their short duration. In general, the exposures on both marine and
terrestrial non-human biota were too low for observable acute
effects. Potential exceptions are water plants, especially located
in the area where radioactive water was discharged into the ocean.
"At this point, we can say that there is a potential risk to some
organisms in the areas of highest exposure, but it is difficult to
quantify it in detail with the available information," said Malcolm
Crick, Secretary, UNSCEAR (The UNSCEAR secretariat is administered
by the United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP). "The exposures
of organisms in the environment are unlikely to cause anything more
than transient harm to their populations," he added.

とUNSCEAR の事務局長マルコム・クリックは言いました(UNSCEAR 事務局は国連環境計画UNEP の管轄です)。


2. UNSCEAR Report on Effects of Radiation Exposure of Children

2. 子どもの放射線被曝影響に関するUNSCEAR 報告書

Because of anatomical and physiological differences, radiation
exposure has a different impact on children compared with adults.
The Committee had started a general review of these differences
before the Fukushima-Daiichi accident; its conclusions on this
subject are considered in this year's report to the General Assembly.


There are differences in the doses received by children and adults
from exposure to the same distribution of radioactive material in
the environment, for example, when there are elevated levels of
radionuclides on the ground. Children can also receive significantly
higher doses than adults in situations such as medical exposure if
the technical settings are not adapted appropriately.


If radionuclides are ingested or inhaled, the presence of
radionuclides in one organ can give higher radiation doses to others
because the organs of children are in closer proximity to one
another than those of adults. In addition, both the metabolism and
physiology depend on age, which also affects the concentrations of
radionuclides in different organs and thus the dose to those organs
for a given intake.


After radiation exposure, children are clearly more radiosensitive
for about 30 per cent of tumour types when compared with adults.
These types include leukaemia and thyroid, skin and brain cancer.
They have the same sensitivity as adults when it comes to 25 per
cent of tumour types such as kidney and bladder, and are less
sensitive than adults when it comes to 10 per cent of tumour types
including lung cancer.


For effects that are bound to occur after high doses, the Committee
concluded that as seen with carcinogenesis, there are some
instances in which childhood exposure poses more risk than adult
exposure (e.g. for effects in the brain, cataracts, and thyroid
nodules). There are other instances where the risk appears to be
about the same (e.g. neuroendocrine system and effects in the
kidneys) and there are a few instances where children's tissues are
more resistant (lung, immune system, marrow and ovaries).


"More research is needed to fully understand the risks and effects
following childhood exposure to radiation. This is necessary (and
possible) because there are many individuals who were exposed as
children (such as the survivors of the atomic bombings) who are
still alive. Their experiences must not be lost," said Fred Mettler,
Chair, UNSCEAR Report on Effects of Radiation Exposure on Children.

とUNSCEAR 報告の「子どもの放射線被曝影響」担当主任のフレッド・メトラーは言いました。

He added that the report was a valuable resource, as it is the first
document that presents a comprehensive overview of the effect of radiation on children in totality.


Watch the webcast of the press briefing on 31 May at 13.30 pm at
5 月31 日13:30PM プレスブリーフィングのweb 放送は
http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/en/webcast.html を見よ。

The mandate of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the
effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), established in 1955, is to
undertake broad reviews of the sources of ionizing radiation and
the effects on human health and the environment. Its assessments
provide a scientific foundation for United Nations agencies and
governments to formulate standards and programmes for protection
against ionizing radiation.

1955 年に設立された原子放射線の影響に関する国連科学委員会(UNSCEAR)に付託されたことは、電離放射線の線源に関して、また人間の健康と環境への影響に関して、幅広く検討することです。その評価は、国連の諸機関や各国が電離放射線に対する防護の基準とプログラムを制定するための基礎を与えます。

UNSCEAR has conducted a scientific evaluation of the levels and
effects due to radiation exposure resulting from the Fukushima
accident. It does not deal with or assess nuclear safety or
emergency planning issues.

UNSCEAR は、福島事故に起因する放射線被曝による線量レベルと影響について、科学的に評価をしました。これは、核の安全性または緊急事態計画問題に対応したものではなく、それらを評価したものでもありません。

