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Israel must disclose weapons used in Gaza



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Israel must disclose weapons used in Gaza

Lumps of still smouldering white phosphorus found in Gaza City
c Amnesty International

Phosphorous shell cases found in Khuzna, Gaza, 24 January 2009
c Amnesty International

26 January 2009


The Israeli authorities are being urged to disclose the weapons and munitions their forces used during the three week military campaign in Gaza which began on 27 December 2008.


Amnesty International called for the disclosure in order that medical staff can be better equipped to treat victims of the conflict, which ended with a ceasefire declared by Israel on 18 January.


Israel's earlier failure to disclose, and then refusal to confirm, that its troops had used white phosphorus meant that doctors were unable to provide the correct treatment to people suffering from burns caused by this weapon.


"We now know that white phosphorus munitions were used in built-up civilian areas, although the Israeli authorities previously denied this," said Donatella Rovera, head of Amnesty International's investigation team in Gaza. "Now we have irrefutable evidence of the use of this weapon, but the doctors who treated the first casualties did not know what had caused their injuries."

「私たちは、今黄リン軍需が組み立てている住宅地域で使用されたのを知っています、イスラエル当局は以前に、これを否定しましたが。」と、Donatella Rovera(ガザのアムネスティ・インタナショナルの調査チームの代表)は言いました。 「私たちには、今、この兵器の使用に関する動かぬ証拠がありますが、最初の死傷者を扱った医師は、何が彼らの負傷を引き起こしたかを知りませんでした。」

Some 1,300 Palestinians were killed during the campaign. The dead included more than 400 children and over 100 women. More than 5,300 Palestinians were injured; many will be disabled for the rest of their lives.
およそ1,300人のパレスチナ人がキャンペーンの間、殺されました。 死者は400人以上の子供と100人以上の女性を入れました。 5,300人以上のパレスチナ人が負傷しました。 多くが彼らの人生の残りのために無効にされるでしょう。

“Israeli officials have repeatedly said that its military operation was against Hamas, not against the people of Gaza. There can be no excuse for continuing to withhold information vital to effective treatment of people wounded in Israeli attacks. Lack of cooperation by Israel is leading to needless deaths and unnecessary suffering," said Donatella Rovera.

ldquo; イスラエルの当局は、軍事行動がガザの人々ではなく、ハマスに反対していたと繰り返して言いました。 イスラエルの攻撃で負傷した人々の効果的な治療に重大な情報を差し控え続ける弁解の余地が全くあるはずがありません。 「イスラエルによる協力不足は不必要な死と不要な苦しみにつながっています。」と、Donatella Roveraは言いました。

"The Israeli authorities should fulfil their obligation to ensure prompt and adequate care for the wounded by making a full disclosure of the weapons and munitions they used in Gaza and provide any other relevant information that may help medical teams."


Other victims of the conflict have wounds which doctors say they are finding hard to treat because of uncertainty about the nature of the munitions which caused them. Some victims of Israeli air strikes were brought in with charred and sharply severed limbs. It is not known what weapons caused those injuries.

闘争の他の犠牲者は医師が、彼らが不確実性のためにそれらを引き起こした軍需の自然に関して扱うために強く見つけていると言う傷にかかっています。 イスラエルの空襲の犠牲者は炭にされた、鋭く断ち切られた手足で引きつけられました。 どんな兵器がそれらの負傷を引き起こしたかが知られていません。

"More lives must not be lost because doctors do not know what caused their patients' injuries and what medical complications may occur," said Donatella Rovera, "They have to be fully informed so that they can provide life-saving care."
「医師が何が彼らの患者の負傷を引き起こしたか、そして、どんな医学のめんどうな問題が起こるかもしれないかを知らないので、より多くの命を失ってはいけない、それらは救命の注意を提供できるように完全に知識がなければなりません。」と、Donatella Roveraは言いました。

White phosphorus particles embedded in the flesh can continue to burn, causing intense pain as the burns grow wider and deeper, and can result in irreparable damage to internal organs. It can contaminate other parts of the patient's body or even those treating the injuries.

やけどが、より広い、そして、より深くなって、内臓への非回復性損傷をもたらすことができる間、激痛を引き起こして、肉に埋め込まれた黄リン粒子は、燃え続けることができます。 それは患者の身体か負傷を治療するものさえの他の部品を汚染できます。

The condition of people with burns caused by white phosphorus can deteriorate rapidly. Even those with burns that cover a relatively small area of the body ? 10 to 15 per cent ? who would normally survive, can deteriorate and die.

やけどが黄リンによって引き起こされている人々の状態は急速に悪化できます。 ボディーの比較的小さい領域をカバーするやけどを伴うそれらとndashさえ。 10~15パーセントとndash。 通常、生き残っていて、悪化して、死ぬことができます。

“We noticed burns different from anything we had ever dealt with before,” one burns specialist at Gaza's al-Shifa Hospital told Amnesty International. “After some hours the burns became wider and deeper, gave off an offensive odour and then they began to smoke.”

私たちが私たちが以前対処したことがあったものは何とでも異なったやけど、およびrdquoに気付いたというldquo 1つはアムネスティ・インタナショナルに言われたガザのアル-Shifa病院で専門家をやけどします。 ldquo; やけどが煙るように、より広い、そして、より深くなって、不快な匂いとそれらが始めたその時を発した後いくつかの時間rdquo。

Only after a number of foreign doctors arrived in the Gaza Strip, days after they had seen the first casualties of white phosphorus, did local doctors learn what had caused the wounds and how to treat them.

A 16-year-old girl, Samia Salman Al-Manay'a, was asleep in her home in the Jabalia refugee camp, north of Gaza City, when a phosphorus shell landed on the first floor of the house at 8pm on 10 January.

Ten days later, from her hospital bed, she told Amnesty International that she was still experiencing intense pain due to the burns to her face and legs. “The pain is piercing. It's as though a fire is burning in my body. It's too much for me to bear. In spite of all the medicine they are giving me the pain is still so strong.”

10日後に、彼女の病院用ベッドから、彼女は、まだ彼女の顔と脚へのやけどによる激痛を経験していたとアムネスティ・インタナショナルに言いました。 ldquo; 痛みは突き抜けています。 まるで炎が私の身体で燃えているようです。 それは私が堪えることができないくらい多いです。 すべての薬にもかかわらず、痛みを私に与えるのがまだとても強い、rdquo。