「Listening to Nineteenth-Century America」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Listening to Nineteenth-Century America」(2007/04/07 (土) 23:05:04) の最新版変更点



#amazon(080782657X,right) *Mark M. Smith 2001 *'''Listening to Nineteenth-Century America.''' *Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. &bold(){Webcat Plus} &blanklink(図書情報){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/DocDetail?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA60024598} | &blanklink(所蔵図書館一覧){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/HolderList?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA60024598} **目次 -Introduction: Sounding Pasts -Part 1. Imagining Maestros: Constructing and Defending the Southern Soundscape --1. Soniferous Gardens --2. Creeping Discord --3. Dreadful, Silent Moments -Part 2. Keynotes Old and New: Listening to Northern Soundscapes --4. Northern Echoes --5. Sounds Modern -Part 3. Aural Sectionalism: The Politics of Hearing and the Hearing of Politics --6. Listening to Bondage --7. Northern Shouts and Southern Ears -Part 4. Noises Hideous, Silences Profound, Sounds Ironic: Listening to the Civil War and Reconstruction --8. Noises of War --9. Confederate Soundscapes --10. Sounds of Emancipation, Reconstruction, and Reunion -Sound Matters: An Essay on Method

