「Recorded Music in American Life」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Recorded Music in American Life」(2007/04/05 (木) 21:47:09) の最新版変更点



*William Howland Kenney 1999 *&italic(){Recorded Music in American Life: The Phonograph and Popular Memory, 1890-1945.} *Oxford: Oxford University Press. &bold(){Webcat Plus} &blanklink(図書情報){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/DocDetail?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA44161204} | &blanklink(所蔵図書館一覧){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/HolderList?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA44161204} **目次 -Introduction: Recorded Music and Collective Memory -1. Two "Circles of Resonance": Audience Uses of Recorded Music -2. "The Coney Island Crowd": The Phonograph and Popular Recordings before World War I -3. "His Master's Voice": The Victor Talking Machine Company and the Social Reconstruction of the Phonograph -4. The Phonograph and the Evolution of "Foreign" and "Ethnic" Records -5. The Gendered Phonograph: Women and Recorded Sound, 1890-1930 -6. African American Blues and the Phonograph: From Race Records to Rhythm and Blues -7. Economics and the Invention of Hillbilly Records in the South 135 -8. A Renewed Flow of Memories: The Depression and the Struggle over "Hit Records" -9. Popular Recorded Music within the Context of National Life
#amazon(0195171772,right) *William Howland Kenney 1999 *&italic(){Recorded Music in American Life: The Phonograph and Popular Memory, 1890-1945.} *Oxford: Oxford University Press. &bold(){Webcat Plus} &blanklink(図書情報){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/DocDetail?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA44161204} | &blanklink(所蔵図書館一覧){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/HolderList?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA44161204} **目次 -Introduction: Recorded Music and Collective Memory -1. Two "Circles of Resonance": Audience Uses of Recorded Music -2. "The Coney Island Crowd": The Phonograph and Popular Recordings before World War I -3. "His Master's Voice": The Victor Talking Machine Company and the Social Reconstruction of the Phonograph -4. The Phonograph and the Evolution of "Foreign" and "Ethnic" Records -5. The Gendered Phonograph: Women and Recorded Sound, 1890-1930 -6. African American Blues and the Phonograph: From Race Records to Rhythm and Blues -7. Economics and the Invention of Hillbilly Records in the South 135 -8. A Renewed Flow of Memories: The Depression and the Struggle over "Hit Records" -9. Popular Recorded Music within the Context of National Life

