「Hearing History」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Hearing History」(2007/04/05 (木) 19:27:50) の最新版変更点



*Mark M. Smith ed. 2004 *&italic(){Hearing History: A Reader.} *Athens: Univercity of Georgia Press. #amazon(082032583X,right) &bold(){Webcat Plus} &blanklink(図書情報){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/DocDetail?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA68302129} | &blanklink(所蔵図書館一覧){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/HolderList?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA68302129} **目次 -Mark M. Smith "Introduction" -Sound, Thinking --R. Murray Schafer "Soundscapes and Earwitnesses" --Jaques Attali "Listening" --Peter Bailey "Breaking the Sound Barrier" --Douglas Kahn "Art and Sound" --Hillel Schwartz "On Noise" --Steven Connor "Sound and the Self" -Sounds European --Charles Burnett "Perceiving Sound in the Middle Ages" --Bruce R. Smith "The Soundscapes of Early Modern England" --Penelope Gouk "English Theories of Hearing in the Seventeenth Century" --Malcolm Nicolson "Having the Doctor's Ear in Nineteenth-Century" --James H. Johnson "Listening and Silence in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century" --Alain Corbin "Identity, Bells, and the Nineteenth-Century French Village" -Sounds American --Eric Schmidt "Sound Christians and Religious Hearing in Enlightenment America" --Shane White and Graham White "Listening to Southern Slavery" --Charles D. Ross "Sight, Sound, and Tactics in the American Civil War" --Lisa Gitelman "Recording Sound, Recording, Race, Recording Property" --Jonathan Sterne "Preserving Sound in Modern America" --Raymond W. Smilor "American Noise, 1900-1930" --Emily Thompson "Shaping the Sound of Modernity" -Mark M. Smith, Mitchell Snay, and Bruce R. Smith "Coda. Talking Sound History"
#amazon(082032583X,right) *Mark M. Smith ed. 2004 *&italic(){Hearing History: A Reader.} *Athens: Univercity of Georgia Press. &bold(){Webcat Plus} &blanklink(図書情報){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/DocDetail?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA68302129} | &blanklink(所蔵図書館一覧){http://webcatplus-equal.nii.ac.jp/libportal/HolderList?txt_docid=NCID%3ABA68302129} **目次 -Mark M. Smith "Introduction" -Sound, Thinking --R. Murray Schafer "Soundscapes and Earwitnesses" --Jaques Attali "Listening" --Peter Bailey "Breaking the Sound Barrier" --Douglas Kahn "Art and Sound" --Hillel Schwartz "On Noise" --Steven Connor "Sound and the Self" -Sounds European --Charles Burnett "Perceiving Sound in the Middle Ages" --Bruce R. Smith "The Soundscapes of Early Modern England" --Penelope Gouk "English Theories of Hearing in the Seventeenth Century" --Malcolm Nicolson "Having the Doctor's Ear in Nineteenth-Century" --James H. Johnson "Listening and Silence in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century" --Alain Corbin "Identity, Bells, and the Nineteenth-Century French Village" -Sounds American --Eric Schmidt "Sound Christians and Religious Hearing in Enlightenment America" --Shane White and Graham White "Listening to Southern Slavery" --Charles D. Ross "Sight, Sound, and Tactics in the American Civil War" --Lisa Gitelman "Recording Sound, Recording, Race, Recording Property" --Jonathan Sterne "Preserving Sound in Modern America" --Raymond W. Smilor "American Noise, 1900-1930" --Emily Thompson "Shaping the Sound of Modernity" -Mark M. Smith, Mitchell Snay, and Bruce R. Smith "Coda. Talking Sound History"

