「Japanese ok」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Japanese ok」(2007/07/07 (土) 17:21:11) の最新版変更点



*Japanese ok  作詞/90スレ453 This is a pen. Which is a pen ? A pen is a pen ! Mary loves the pen. She knocked him. He kicked her. She became pregnant. They are fortunate so so. I laugh very much. A dream spreads. I laugh very much. A dream spreads.
*Japanese ok  作詞/90スレ453 作曲/bipper This is a pen. Which is a pen ? A pen is a pen ! Mary loves the pen. She knocked him. He kicked her. She became pregnant. They are fortunate so so. I laugh very much. A dream spreads. I laugh very much. A dream spreads. *音源 -[[Japanese ok(仮歌+オケ)>http://bippu.seesaa.net/article/44674713.html]]

